Prof. Dr. Jana Sillmann
Professor of Climate Statistics and Climate Extremes
Chair Climate Extremes
Universität Hamburg
Climate Extremes
Grindelberg 5
20144 Hamburg
Room: 103
Tel: +49 40 42838 9215
Team Assistant Prof. Dr. Jana Sillmann
Climate Extremes
Grindelberg 5
20144 Hamburg
Room: 107
Tel: +49 40 42838 9220
Further duties and activities
- Member of the Future Earth General Assembly
- Co-Chair of the Steering Committee for the Knowledge Action Network on Emergent Risks and Extreme Events (Risk KAN) (2019-)
- Associated Editor of Weather and Climate Extremes (2018-)
- Editorial Board Member of Environmental Research Letters (2017-)
- Co-lead of the World Climate Research Programme Grand Challenge on Climate Extremes (2015-)
- Lead Author of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) for Working Group 1 (WG1) Chapter 12 - Climate change information for regional impact and for risk assessment (2018-2021)
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the Integrated Research on Disaster Risk Programme (IRDR) (2018-2021)
- Member of the WMO Commission for Climatology (CCl) Task Team on Tailored Climate Information (2014-2018)
- Invited expert to the WMO CCl/CLIVAR/JCOMM Expert Team on Climate Change Detection and Indices (ETCCDI) (2011-2014)
- Contributing author and expert reviewer of the IPCC AR5 WG1, Chapter 9 & 12 (2011-2013)
- Podcast "Bart van den Hurk and Jana Sillmann on storytelling", Science for Policy, 09.01.2024
- Panel discussion "Climate Science for a Sustainable Future: The Kigali Declaration" at COP28, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, online, 03.12.2023
- Presentation and Discussion on the climate change in Europe, Kulturzentrum Marstall Ahrensburg, 18.10.2023 "Klima-Professorin in Ahrensburg: "Der Klimawandel ist jetzt und er ist hier und er ist überall",, 20.10.2023
- Radio broadcast "Waldbrände und Dürren im Norden - was tun wir gegen Wasserknappheit?", NDR Info - Redezeit, 14.06.2023
- Interview "Klimaforscherin: Wir sind mittendrin im Klimawandel", RBB24Inforadio, 28.09.2022
- Presentation "Was bedeutet der Klimawandel für uns vor Ort?", Fortbildungsveranstaltung "Zukunftswerkstatt für soziale Einrichtungen" der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe, 19.05.2022
- Briefing Note "Climate Change, War and Pandemic: In the Future, Complex Risks Will Be Commonplace", CLICCS News, 10.03.2022
- Video "Lunchtime Talks on EXtreme Climate - Dr. Jana Sillmann, University of Hamburg (Germany)", EXtremeClimTwin, Youtube, 19.01.2022
- Article Picturing the future of complex, cascading climate risks, International Science Council, 03.12.2021
- Blogpost Climate risk assessment gaps: seamless integration of weather and climate information for community resilience, International Science Council, 27.10.2021
- Interview "Welchen Einfluss hat der Klimawandel auf Wirbelstürme?", Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland, 16.09.2021
- Klimaextreme: eine Professur zur rechten Zeit, CEN News, 03.09.2021
- Article "UN-Klimabericht: Erste Folgen des Klimawandels schon jetzt irreversibel", BusinessPortal Norwegen, 09.08.2021
- The QUEST Podcast: Folge 3: Climate change, ‘QUEST – QUality and Effectiveness in Science and Technology communication',, 21.04.2021
- Policy Brief "What can COVID-19 teach us about preparing for climate risks in Europe?", Projekte CASCADES und RECEIPT (REmote Climate Effects and their Impact on European sustainability, Policy and Trade), 26.11.2020
- Video "What will a future high-impact extreme event look like in Norway?", CICERO klima, Youtube, 29.10.2020
- Podcast with Nature Editor Michael White: Forecast: Climate conversations with Michael White, Episode 41: Jana Sillmann
Research interests
- Investigating complex interactions between the different spheres of the Earth System
- Statistical analyses and evaluation of climate extremes in large climate model ensembles and high-resolution model simulations
- Analyses of drivers of changes in climate extremes: climate variability, anthropogenic activities (e.g., greenhouse gases, short-lived climate forcers and air pollution)
- Relating physical and statistical aspects of climate extremes to socio-economic impacts and risk assessment
- Using interdisciplinary approaches for better integration of natural and social sciences to support decision making for mitigating and adapting to climate change
Research projects
Current research projects:
- WorldTrans (TRANSPARENT ASSESSMENTS FOR REAL PEOPLE), 2022-2026, funded by EU H2020, Co-Lead WP 1
- MYRIAD-EU (Multi-hazard and systemic framework for enhancing risk-informed management and decision-making in the E.U.), 2021-2024, funded by EU H2020, WP Leader
- PROVIDE (Paris Agreement Overshooting – Reversibility, Climate Impacts and Adaptation Needs), 2021-2024, funded by EU H2020, WP Leader
Completed research projects:
- EXTremeClimTwin (Twinning for the advancement of data-driven multidisciplinary research into hydro-climatic extremes to support risk assessment and decision making), 2020-2023, funded by EU H2020
- EXHAUSTION (Exposure to heat and air pollution in Europe – cardio-pulmonary impacts and benefits of mitigation and adaptation), 2019-2023, funded by EU H2020, Deputy Coordinator
- RECEIPT (REmote Climate Effects and their Impact on European sustainability, Policy and Trade), 2019-2023, funded by EU H2020, WP Leader
- SUSCAP (Developing resilience and tolerance of crop resource use efficiency to climate change and air pollution), 2019-2021, funded by ERANET SusCrop, WP Leader
- S2S4E (Subseasonal-to-seasonal forecast for Energy), 2017-2021, funded by EU H2020, WP Leader
- ClimINVEST (Tailored Climate Information for Investment Decisions), 2017-2020, funded by ERA4CS, Scientific Leader
- TWEX (Translating weather extremes into the future – a case for Norway), 2015-2019, funded by the Norwegian Research Council (NFR), Project Leader
- CiXPAG (Interaction of Climate Extremes, Air Pollution and Agro-ecosystems), 2015-2019, funded by the Norwegian Research Council (NFR), Project Leader
- ClimateXL (Physical and statistical analysis of climate extremes in large datasets), 2015-2018, funded by the Norwegian Research Council (NFR), Project Leader
- Extreme Events and Adaptation in Cities (2 SWS; M.Sc. Integrated Climate System Sciences), together with Dr. Benjamin Poschlod, summer semesters
- Weather and climate extremes in a changing climate (2 SWS; M.Sc. Integrated Climate System Sciences, Ocean and Climate Physics, Meteorology), together with Dr. Benjamin Poschlod, summer semesters
- Interactions between natural and social systems (2 SWS; M.Sc. Integrated Climate System Sciences), winter semesters
- Reflecting on the Sustainable Development Goals (2 SWS; M.Sc. Integrated Climate System Sciences), winter semester 2023/24
- Lecture Series on Extremes in the Earth System (2 SWS; M.Sc. Integrated Climate System Sciences), winter semester 2023/24
- Interdisciplinary Lecture Series Climate Change & Health (2 SWS; Studium Generale, M.Sc. Integrated Climate System Sciences), winter semester 2023/24
- Interdisciplinary Lecture Series Sustainability and Climate Risks (2 SWS; Studium Generale, M.Sc. Integrated Climate System Sciences), winter semester 2022/23
- Extreme Events and Adaptation in Cities (2 SWS; M.Sc. Integrated Climate System Sciences), together with Dr. Benjamin Poschlod, summer semesters
- Weather and climate extremes in a changing climate (2 SWS; M.Sc. Integrated Climate System Sciences, Ocean and Climate Physics, Meteorology), together with Dr. Benjamin Poschlod, summer semesters
- Weather extremes in cities and adaptation measures (2 SWS; BSc Geography), winter semesters - in German
- Environmental sciences: Understanding climate change (2 SWS; B.Sc. Geography, open to other students, e.g. ICSS), winter semesters
- Sustainability and Climate Risks (2 SWS; M.Sc. Integrated Climate System Sciences), winter semester 2022/23
- Master your Thesis (2 SWS; M.Sc. Integrated Climate System Sciences, Ocean and Climate Physics, Physics), together with Prof. Dr. Johanna Baehr and Dr. Leonard Borchert, summer semesters
- Grundlagen des Klimawandels und dessen Auswirkungen (2 SWS; BSc Geography, Meteorology, module "Green Technology" at Technische Universität Hamburg (TUHH)), summer semesters - in German