Kategorie |
Veranstaltungen |
Concepts of Sustainability |
- Interdisciplinary Lecture Series Sustainability and Climate Risks, J. Sillmann, H. Held, U.A. Schneider (3rd semester M.Sc. Integrated Climate System Sciences [ICSS], Studium Generale), 2 SWS, every winter semester
- Exercise Sustainability and Climate Risks, J. Sillmann (M.Sc. Integrated Climate System Sciences [ICSS]), 2 SWS, every winter semester
- Interactions between natural and social systems, J. Sillmann (M.Sc. Integrated Climate System Sciences [ICSS]), 2 SWS, every winter semester
- Introduction to sustainability, U.A. Schneider (1st semester M.Sc. Integrated Climate System Sciences [ICSS]), every winter semester
- Reflecting on the Sustainable Development Goals, J.Sillmann, Leonard Borchert (Introduction to sustainability, U.A. Schneider (1st semester M.Sc. Integrated Climate System Sciences [ICSS]), every winter semester)
Climate Change |
- Grundlagen des Klimawandels und dessen Auswirkungen, J. Sillmann, 2SWS, every summer semester
- Environmental Sciences: Understanding Climate Change, J. Sillmann (BSc Geography, open to other students, e.g. ICSS), 5-day block course, winter semester
- Interdisciplinary lecture Series Climate Change & Health, J. Sillmann
- Climate Modelling, L. Borchert, J. Baehr, (M.Sc. Ocean and Climate Physics [OCP] and M.Sc. Integrated Climate System Sciences [ICSS]), 2 SWS, summer semester
- Predictions and Predictability of Climate, L. Borchert (M.Sc. Ocean and Climate Physics [OCP] and M.Sc. Integrated Climate System Sciences [ICSS]), 2SWS, winter semester
Climate Economics / Decision under Uncertainty |
- Integrated Climate Economic Modelling, H. Held (2nd semester M.Sc. Integrated Climate System Sciences [ICSS]), every summer semester
- Integrated Energy Climate Economics, H. Held (2nd semester M.Sc. Economics), every summer semester
- Decision under Uncertainty in the Integrated Assessment of the Energy-Climate Problem, H. Held (3rd semester M.Sc. Economics & M.Sc. Integrated Climate System Sciences [ICSS], Electives), every winter semester
Extremes |
- Weather extremes in cities and adaptation measures, B. Poschlod (M.Sc. Integrated Climate System Sciences [ICSS]), 2 SWS, every winter semester
- Weather and climate extremes in a changing climate, L. Brunner, B. Poschlod (M.Sc. Integrated Climate System Sciences [ICSS], Ocean and Climate Physics, Meteorology), 2 SWS, every summer semester
- Wetterextreme und Anpassung in Städten, B. Poschlod [BSc Geography], 2 SWS, every winter semester
- Lecture Series on Extremes in the Earth System, J. Sillmann, L. Borchert (M.Sc. Integrated Climate System Sciences [ICSS]), 2 SWS, winter semester
Land Use |
- Modeling agricultural land use and the impacts of land-use change, U.A. Schneider together with L. Rasche (M.Sc. Integrated Climate System Sciences [ICSS], Geography), 5-day block course, every year
- Estimating sustainability, U.A. Schneider (2nd semester M.Sc. Integrated Climate System Sciences [ICSS]), every summer semester
- Integrated Assessment of Sustainable Landuse, U.Schneider, 2 SWS
Research Seminars |
- Master your Thesis, J. Baehr, L.Borchert, J.Sillmann, (MSc ICSS, OCP,…) every summer semester
- FNU PhD Seminar Bi-monthly, H. Held and U.A. Schneider
- Research Seminar in Environmental and Development Economics, H. Held (together with M. Drupp, A. Lange, G. Perino), weekly, every semester
Technical Skills |
- The Programming Tool: Generalized Algebraic Modelling Systems (GAMS), U.A. Schneider (Soft skill course M.Sc. Integrated Climate System Sciences [ICSS]), Grindelberg 5 (Computer lab), 3-day block course, semester break
- Advanced GAMS, U.A. Schneider (open to all university, KlimaCampus, and IMPRS students with prior GAMS knowledge), 3-day block course, every semester break
- Exercise Weather and climate extremes in a changing climate, B. Poschlod (M.Sc. Integrated Climate System Sciences [ICSS]), 2 SWS, every summer semester
- Time Series Analysis, H. Held, 2 SWS
- Exercise Time Series Analysis, L. Borchert, H. Held, 2 SWS