Dr. Kerstin Jantke
Senior Researcher
CLICCS-Projekt: C2
Research Interests
Interdisciplinary research on biodiversity and protected areas at the interfaces of conservation biology, land economics, and climate change, i.e.
- application of systematic conservation planning methods to conservation problems across multiple spatial scales from local to global levels
- development and application of new metrics and tools to evaluate protected area systems and to track progress towards internationally agreed conservation targets (e.g. SDG 14, 15, Aichi target 11, Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework target 3)
- implementation of economic concepts into conservation planning, e.g. cost-efficiency or land market feedbacks
- exploration of synergies of simultaneous planning for biodiversity conservation and mitigation of climate change
- assessing the importance of conservation knowledge published in languages other than english
Dr. rer. nat. in Geoscienses (2011)
Department of Geosciences, Universität Hamburg, Germany. Thesis title: Systematic conservation planning in Europe – the case of wetland biodiversity. Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Hartmut Graßl, Dr. Uwe Schneider, Prof. Dr. Thorsten Aßmann
Diploma in Environmental Sciences (2004)
Universität Lüneburg, Germany. Specialization: ecology, nature conservation, environmental planning. Thesis title: Population structure and habitat requirements of fire-bellied toad (Bombina bombina L., 1761) in the Elbe river valley in Lower Saxony (in German). Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Thorsten Aßmann, Dr. Thorsten Buck-Dobrick
Universität Hamburg, Germany
Cluster of Excellence "Climate, Climatic Change, and Society" (CLICCS), Center for Earth System Research and Sustainability: Project coordinator of CLICCS-C2 project (2019 - present)
Institute for Soil Sciences, Department of Earth System Sciences, Center for Earth System Research and Sustainability: Senior researcher (2019 - present)
Research Unit Sustainability and Climate Risks, Department of Earth System Sciences, Center for Earth System Research and Sustainability: Senior researcher (2015 - present)
PostDoc-Kolleg “Sustainable Future”, Centre for a Sustainable University: Postdoc fellow (2013 - 2015)
Cluster of Excellence "Integrated Climate System Analysis and Prediction" (CliSAP): Research associate (2010 - 2012)
Research Unit Sustainability and Global Change, Department of Geosciences: Research associate (2005 - 2010)
International Max-Planck Research School for Earth System Modeling Hamburg, Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg, Germany
Academic supervisor (2017 - present), doctoral candidate (2006 - 2011)
University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
Guest researcher at Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science (2017)
Universität Lüneburg, Germany
Undergraduate and graduate student (1999 - 2003)
PhD thesis supervision
Anke Müller, Universität Hamburg: Evaluating and systematically improving the European Union’s nature protection network towards current and potential ecoregion representation targets (principal supervisor, 2017 - 2020)
Jaime Burbano-Gíron, Pontifical Xavierian University, Bogota, Colombia: Improving the identification of priority areas for conserving neotropical biodiversity: Assessing uncertainties in spatial conservation prioritization (external supervisor, 2016 - 2020)
Rafaela Flach, Universität Hamburg: On the interactions between land and water use in Brazilian rainfed agriculture (co-supervisor, 2016 - 2020)
Jihye Jeong, Universität Hamburg: Agricultural adaptation pathways for Namibia - An integrated assessment of multiple development goals under local, regional, and global changes (co-supervisor, since 2022)
Ana Nicole Acosta Vasconez, Universität Hamburg: Joint preservation of ecological systems and farm livelihoods in the Galapagos Islands through improved food system resilience (co-supervisor, since 2022)
Luisa Gensch, Universität Hamburg: Opportunities and Challenges of Large-Scale Organic Agriculture in Europe: An Interdisciplinary Analysis (co-supervisor, since 2023)
Master thesis supervision
Sharadhi Urs, Universität Hamburg: A Systematic Review of Climate Change Adaptation Measures in Indian Agriculture (co-supervisor, 2024)
Hanna Dunke, Universität Hamburg: Estimating the Impacts of Climate Change and Agricultural Adaptation on Food Security in India (co-supervisor, 2023)
Luisa Gensch, Universität Hamburg: Pesticide Regulations in European Agriculture and their Influence on the Land-Food Nexus (co-supervisor, 2022)
Jihye Jeong, Universität Hamburg: The Economic Evaluation of Namibia School Feeding Program Under Climate Change (co-supervisor, 2020)
Lectures on Introduction to Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, Introductory course of graduate school School of Integrated Climate System Sciences, Universität Hamburg (2022, 2023)
Conception and realisation of the interdisciplinary public lecture series Anpassung and den Klimawandel in der Stadt, auf dem Land und an der Küste – Adaptation to climate change in cities, rural areas, and on the coast (WS 2022/2023), Universität Hamburg
Instructor for Climate Study Project for master students, School of Integrated Climate System Sciences, Universität Hamburg (since 2021)
Several lectures and seminars on biodiversity and ecosystem services in the master courses Introductory course on sustainability and Estimating sustainability, School of Integrated Climate System Sciences, Universität Hamburg (2013-2016)
Conception and realisation of the interdisciplinary public lecture series Nachhaltige Stadt der Zukunft (WS 2013/2014) and Nachhaltiger Konsum (WS 2015/2016) with exams open to all study courses of the Universität Hamburg (in German)
Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
Jantke K. & Mohr B. (2024). Little progress in ecoregion representation in the last decade of terrestrial and marine protected area expansion leaves substantial tasks ahead. Global Ecology and Conservation. Available online OpenAccess
Gensch L., Jantke K., Rasche L., Schneider, U.A. (2024). Pesticide risk assessment in European agriculture: Distribution patterns, ban-substitution effects and regulatory implications. Environmental Pollution, 348, Available online OpenAccess
Schröder L. S., Rasche L., Jantke K., Mishra G., Lange S., Eschenbach A., & Schneider U. A. (2023). Combined effects of climate change and agricultural intensification on soil erosion in uphill shifting cultivation in Northeast India. Land Degradation & Development, 1–17. Available online OpenAccess
Petzold J., Hawxwell T., Jantke K., Gonçalves Gresse E., Mirbach C., Ajibade I., Bhadwal S., Bowen K., Fischer A.P., Joe E.T., Kirchhoff C., Mach K.J., Reckien D., Segnon A., Singh C., Ulibarri N., Campbell D., Cremin E., Färber L., Hegde G., Jeong J., Nunbogu A.M., Schröder L.S., Shah M.A.R., Reese R., Sultana F., Tello C., Xu J., Garschagen M., Global Adaptation Mapping Initiative (2023). A global assessment of actors and their roles in climate change adaptation. Nature Climate Change. Available online OpenAccess (preprint available here)
Chowdhury S., Gonzalez K., Aytekin M. Ç. K., Baek S. -. Y., Bełcik M., Bertolino S., Duijns S., Han Y., Jantke K., Katayose R., Lin Mu-M, Nourani E., Ramos D. L., Rouyer M. -. M., Sidemo-Holm W., Vozykova S., Zamora-Gutierrez V. & Amano T. (2022). Growth of non-English-language literature on biodiversity conservation. Conservation Biology, 1– 11. Available online OpenAccess
Burbano-Girón J., Jantke K., Molina-Berbeo M.A., Buriticá-Mejía N., Urbina-Cardona J.N., Sánchez-Clavijo L.M., Etter A. (2022). An assessment of spatial conservation priorities for biodiversity attributes: Composition, structure, and function of Neotropical biodiversity. Biological Conservation 265, 109421. Available online OpenAccess
Amano T., Berdejo-Espinola V., Christie A. P., Willott K., Akasaka M., Báldi A., Berthinussen A., Bertolino S., Bladon A. J., Chen M., Choi C.-Y., Bou Dagher Kharrat M., de Oliveira L. G., Farhat P., Golivets M., Hidalgo Aranzamendi N., Jantke K., Kajzer-Bonk J., Kemahlı Aytekin M. Ç., Khorozyan I., Kito K., Konno K., Lin D.-L., Littlewood N., Liu Y., Liu Y., Loretto M.-C., Marconi V., Martin P. A., Morgan W. H., Narváez-Gómez J. P., Negret P. J., Nourani E., Ochoa Quintero J. M., Ockendon N., Oh R. R. Y., Petrovan S. O., Piovezan-Borges A. C., Pollet I. L., Ramos D. L., Reboredo Segovia A. L., Rivera-Villanueva A. N., Rocha R., Rouyer M.-M., Sainsbury K. A., Schuster R., Schwab D., Şekercioğlu Ç. H., Seo H.-M., Shackelford G., Shinoda Y., Smith R. K., Tao S.-d., Tsai M.-s., Tyler E. H. M., Vajna F., Valdebenito J. O., Vozykova S., Waryszak P., Zamora-Gutierrez V., Zenni R. D., Zhou W., and Sutherland W. J. (2021). Tapping into non-English-language science for the conservation of global biodiversity. PLoS Biology 19:e3001296. Available online OpenAccess
Flach R., Fader M., Folberth C., Skalský R. and Jantke K. (2020). The effects of cropping intensity and cropland expansion of Brazilian soybean production on green water flows. Environmental Research Communications, 2, 071001. Available online OpenAccess
Jantke K., Hartmann M.J., Rasche L., Blanz B. and Schneider U.A. (2020). Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Knowledge and Positions of German Farmers. Land 2020, 9, 130. Available online OpenAccess
Flach R., Skalský R., Folberth C., Balkovic J., Jantke K. and Schneider U.A. (2020). Water productivity and footprint of major Brazilian rainfed crops – A spatially explicit analysis of crop management scenarios. Agricultural Water Management, 233 (30). Available online OpenAccess
Müller A., Schneider U.A. and Jantke K. (2020). Evaluating and expanding the European Union’s protected area network towards potential post-2020 coverage targets. Conservation Biology. Available online OpenAccess
Schneider U.A., Rasche L. and Jantke K. (2019). Farm-level digital monitoring of greenhouse gas emissions from livestock systems could facilitate control, optimisation and labelling. Journal of Sustainable and Organic Agricultural Systems, 69 (1), 9-12. Available Online OpenAccess
Jantke K., Kuempel C.D., McGowan J., Chauvenet A.L.M. and Possingham H.P. (2019). Metrics for evaluating representation target achievement in protected area networks. Diversity and Distributions, 25 (2), 170-175. Available online OpenAccess
Müller A., Schneider U.A. and Jantke K. (2018). Is large good enough? Evaluating and improving representation of ecoregions and habitat types in the European Union's protected area network Natura 2000. Biological Conservation, 227, 292-300. Available online
Jantke K., Jones K.R., Allan J.R., Chauvenet A.L.M., Watson J.E.M. and Possingham H.P. (2018). Poor ecological representation by an expensive reserve system: evaluating 35 years of marine protected area expansion. Conservation Letters, DOI: 10.1111/conl.12584. Available online OpenAccess
Jantke K., Müller J., Trapp N. and Blanz B. (2016). Is climate-smart conservation feasible in Europe? Spatial relations of protected areas, soil carbon and land values, Environmental Science & Policy, 47, 40-49. Available online
Jantke K., Schleupner C. and Schneider U.A. (2013). Benefits of earth observation data for conservation planning in the case of European wetland biodiversity, Environmental Conservation, 40 (1), 37-47. Available online
Jantke K., Schleupner C. and Schneider U.A. (2011). Gap analysis of European wetland species: priority regions for expanding the Natura 2000 network, Biodiversity and Conservation, 20 (3), 581-605. Available online
Jantke K. and Schneider U.A. (2011). Integrating land market feedbacks into conservation planning - a mathematical programming approach, Environmental Modeling & Assessment, 16, 227-238. Available online
Jantke K. and Schneider U.A. (2010). Multiple-species conservation planning for European wetlands with different degrees of coordination, Biological Conservation, 143 (7), 1812-1821. Available online
Book Chapters
Jantke K., Pein J., Hanf F.S., Schrum C., Langendijk G.S., Hoffmann P., Schneider U.A., Neuburger M., Seiffert R., Umaña C.R., Sillmann J., Wickel M. (2023) Climate change adaptation in key social-ecological systems. In: Engels, Anita; Jochem Marotzke; Eduardo Gonçalves Gresse; Andrés López-Rivera; Anna Pagnone; Jan Wilkens (eds.); 2023. Hamburg Climate Futures Outlook 2023. The plausibility of a 1.5°C limit to global warming—Social drivers and physical processes. Cluster of Excellence Climate, Climatic Change, and Society (CLICCS). Hamburg, Germany. DOI: 10.25592/uhhfdm.11230. Available online
Obersteiner M., Balkovič J., Böttcher H., Bouma J.A., Fritz S., Fuss S., Havlik P., Heumesser C., Hochrainer S., Jantke K., Khabarov N., Koch B., Kraxner F., Kuik O.J., Leduc S., Liu J., Lucht W., McCallum I., Mechler R., Moltchanova E., Reyers B., Rydzak F., Schill C., Schleupner C., Schmid E., Schneider U.A., Scholes R.J., See L., Skalský R., Smirnov A., Szolgayova J., Tarasovičová Z. and Yang, H. (2017). The Value of Global Earth Observations, in: Onoda M., Young O. (eds) Satellite Earth Observations and Their Impact on Society and Policy. Springer, Singapore, 137-142. Available online
Jantke K., Lottermoser F., Reinhardt J., Rothe D. and Stöver J. (2016). Shoppen gehen im Anthropozän. Nachhaltiger Konsum als institutionelle Herausforderung, in: Nachhaltiger Konsum - Institutionen, Instrumente, Initiativen, edited by K. Jantke, F. Lottermoser, J. Reinhardt, D. Rothe and J. Stöver. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden, 9-45. Book abstract
Lopez M.R., Runkle B.R.K., Roski S., Jantke K., Stöver J., Gottschick M. and Rothe D. (2016). Sustainable Internationalization? Measuring the Diversity of Internationalization at Higher Education Institutions, in: The Contribution of Social Sciences to Sustainable Development at Universities, World Sustainability Series, edited by W. Leal Filho and M. Zint, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, 21-37. Available online
Sundsbø A., Runkle B.R.K., McMonagle S., Jantke K., Lottermoser F., Gottschick M., Häseler S., Rodriguez Lopez J.M., and Scheele M. (2015). One Metaphor — Several Meanings: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Sustainable Development, in: Integrating Sustainability Thinking in Science and Engineering Curricula: Innovative Approaches, Methods and Tools, edited by W. Leal Filho, U.M. Azeiteiro, S. Caeiro and F. Alves, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, 197-213. Available online
Burandt S., Finger K., Frenz K., Heck A., Maly L.-H. and Prenger-Berninghoff K. (2004). Konzept zur Neuabgrenzung und Ausweitung des Naturparks Lüneburger Heide - Ein Beitrag zu einem konsistenten Schutzgebietssystem und einer nachhaltigen Regionalentwicklung. Jahrbuch des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins für das Fürstentum Lüneburg von 1851 e.V., 43, 105-119.
Edited Books
Jantke K., Lottermoser F., Reinhardt J., Rothe D. and Stöver J. (2016). Nachhaltiger Konsum - Institutionen, Instrumente, Initiativen, Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden, 472 p., ISBN 978-3-8487-3222-7. Abstract
Working Papers
Jantke K., Schleupner C. and Schneider U.A. (2010). Gap analysis of European wetland species: priority regions for expanding the Natura 2000 network, FNU-188, Hamburg University and Centre for Marine and Atmospheric Science, Hamburg. download
Jantke K., Schleupner C. and Schneider U.A. (2009). Benefits of increased data resolution for European conservation planning, FNU-184, Hamburg University and Centre for Marine and Atmospheric Science, Hamburg. download
Jantke K. and Schneider U.A. (2009). Opportunity costs in conservation planning - of the case of European wetland species, FNU-180, Hamburg University and Centre for Marine and Atmospheric Science, Hamburg. download
Jantke K. and Schneider U.A. (2009). Multiple-species conservation planning for European wetlands with different degrees of coordination, FNU-179, Hamburg University and Centre for Marine and Atmospheric Science, Hamburg. download
Schneider U.A., Balkovic J., De Cara S., Franklin O., Fritz S., Havlik P., Huck I., Jantke K., Kallio A.M.I., Kraxner F., Moiseyev A., Obersteiner M., Ramos C.I., Schleupner C., Schmid E., Schwab D. and Skalsky R. (2008). The European Forest and Agricultural Sector Optimization Model – EUFASOM, FNU-156, Hamburg University and Centre for Marine and Atmospheric Science, Hamburg. download
Conference Proceedings
Schröder L.S., Rasche L., Jantke K., Mishra G., Lange S. and Schneider U.A. (2023) Future soil erosion of shifting cultivation on hillslopes – modeling interactions between slope steepness, fallow periods, and climate change. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU2023. Available online
Müller A., Schneider U.A. and Jantke K. (2021). Die EU und das Aichi-Ziel 11 – Repräsentiert Natura 2000 die europäischen Ökoregionen ausreichend? Treffpunkt Biologische Vielfalt XVIII, Interdisziplinärer Forschungsaustausch im Rahmen des Übereinkommens über die biologische Vielfalt. BfN-Skripten 590, herausgegeben von Horst Korn, Jutta Stadler, Rainer Schliep, p.67-69. Available online
Jantke K., Kuempel C.D., McGowan J., Chauvenet A.L.M. and Possingham H.P. (2018). Metrics and tools for evaluating conservation target achievement in protected area networks. 5th European Congress of Conservation Biology. Jyväskylä 12-15 June 2018. DOI: 10.17011/conference/eccb2018/107141. Available online
Müller A., Schneider U.A. and Jantke K. (2018). Evaluating and improving representation of ecoregions and habitat types in the Natura 2000 network of protected areas. 5th European Congress of Conservation Biology. Jyväskylä 12-15 June 2018. DOI: 10.17011/conference/eccb2018/107143. Available online
Jantke K., Blanz B., Müller J. and Trapp N. (2017). Reconciling biodiversity conservation and mitigation of climate change: The potential in Europe. In: Mills M., Rueda X., Shanker K. (editors). Proceedings of the 28th International Congress for Conservation Biology. Cartagena 23-27 July 2017. p. 131. Society for Conservation Biology; 2017. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.13183.92324. Available online
Jantke K., Trapp N. and Müller J. (2015). Is climate-smart conservation planning feasible in Europe? Spatial relations of Natura 2000 sites, soil carbon, and land values. In: Proceedings of the 27th International Congress for Conservation Biology and 4th European Congress for Conservation Biology. Visconti P., Game E., Mathevet R., Wilkerson M. (editors). Montpellier 2-6 August 2015. p. 745. SCB. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4233.4489/1. Available online
Schleupner C., Schneider U.A., Jantke K. and Havlik P. (2011). Costs and benefits of spatial data accuracy on comprehensive conservation planning assessments - A conceptual approach. 34th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment - The GEOSS Era: Towards Operational Environmental Monitoring. Sydney, NSW, Australia, 10-15 April 2011. Available online.
Jantke K. and Schneider U.A. (2008). Systematic biodiversity conservation planning – quantifying area requirements for wetland species conservation in Europe, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 10, EGU2008-A-08585, 2008.
Jantke K. and Schneider U.A. (2008). Multiple-species conservation planning in Europe: Quantifying area requirements, EURECO-GFOE 2008, Proceedings, Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie Band 38, ISBN 978-3-00-025522-9.
Jantke K. (2011). Systematic conservation planning in Europe - the case of wetland biodiversity. PhD thesis, Universität Hamburg. Published in Berichte zur Erdsystemforschung, 86. download
Frenz K. (2004). Populationsstruktur und Habitatansprüche der Rotbauchunke (Bombina bombina L., 1761) im niedersächsischen Elbetal. Diploma thesis, Universität Lüneburg. download
Software and Data
Jantke K. (2024). Ecoregion protected area coverage analysis. Available on GitHub
Burbano-Girón J., Jantke K., Molina-Berbeo M.A., Buriticá-Mejía N., Urbina-Cardona J.N., Sánchez-Clavijo L.M., Etter A. (2021). Data for an assessment of spatial conservation priorities for biodiversity attributes: Composition, structure, and function of Neotropical biodiversity. DOI: 10.17632/yv3mj26r35.1. Available on Mendeley
Jantke K., Kuempel C.D., McGowan J., Chauvenet A.L.M. and Possingham H.P. (2018). ConsTarget: Calculate Representation Target Achievement In Conservation Areas. R package available on GitHub
Jantke K. and Schneider U.A. (2010). Land values: non-GEOSS and GEOSS data. GIS-Database on European land rents. download
Jantke K. (2024). Climate Research at University of Hamburg. Scientific Delegation to Ghana. West African Science Service Centre on Climate Change and Adapted Land Use. Accra, October 3.
Jantke K. and Mohr B. (2024). Evaluating ecological representation in protected area networks - Metrics and tools from systematic conservation planning. German Ecological Society 53rd Annual Conference. Freising, Germany, September 9-13.
Jantke K. (2024). Insights into interdisciplinary biodiversity research. biodiversity lab, University of Hamburg. Hamburg, February 5.
Jantke K. (2023). How to protect 30% of the planet? Methods and tools from systematic conservation planning. Symposium Universität Hamburg – Kyoto university 2023. Approaching planetary boundaries and jeopardizing planetary health – a multi-disciplinary approach to a sustainable future, June 19-20.
Jantke K., Becker J. and Jeong J. (2022). Possible and Plausible Land-use Adaptations to Climate Change: Using Legumes to Enhance Food Security in Namibia. Public lecture series Adaptation to Climate Change in Cities, rural Areas and on the Coast. Universität Hamburg, November 22.
Jantke K. (2019). Metrics and tools for evaluating ecological representation in the Natura 2000 network. Presented at ALTER-Net Conference The EU biodiversity strategy beyond 2020 - Research insights and needs for biodiversity and ecosystem services in Europe, Gent, Belgium, June 17-19.
Jantke K., Kuempel C.D., McGowan J., Chauvenet A.L.M., Possingham H.P. (2018). Metrics and tools for evaluating conservation target achievement in protected area networks. Presented at 5th European Congress of Conservation Biology, Jyväskylä, Finland, June 12-15.
Müller A., Schneider, U.A., Jantke K. (2018). Evaluating and improving representation of ecoregions and habitat types in the Natura 2000 network of protected areas. Presented at 5th European Congress of Conservation Biology, Jyväskylä, Finland, June 12-15.
Jantke K. (2017). Reconciling biodiversity conservation and mitigation of climate change – the potential in Europe. Presented at 28th International Congress for Conservation Biology, Cartagena, Columbia, July 23-27.
Jantke K. (2017). Does efficient conservation planning require anticipating changing targets of protected area coverage? Presented at the Seminar of the Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, January 31.
Jantke K. (2016). Das Potential für klimafreundlichen Naturschutz in Europa. Presented at Deutsche Aktionstage Nachhaltigkeit, Hamburg, Germany, June 2.
Jantke K., Trapp N., and J. Müller (2015). Is climate-smart conservation planning feasible in Europe? Spatial relations of Natura 2000 sites, soil carbon, and land values. Presented at 27th International Congress for Conservation Biology and 4th European Congress for Conservation Biology, Montpellier, France, August 5.
Jantke K. (2015). Das Potential für klimafreundlichen Naturschutz in Europa. Presented at Deutsche Aktionstage Nachhaltigkeit, Hamburg, Germany, June 2-5 (Poster).
Sundsbø A., Runkle B.R.K., McMonagle S., Jantke K., Lottermoser F., Gottschick M., Häseler S., Rodriguez Lopez J.M. and M. Scheele (2014). One Metaphor — Several Meanings: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Sustainable Development. Presented at 2nd World Symposium on Sustainable Development at Universities, Manchester, United Kingdom, September 3-5
Schleupner C., Jantke K., Schneider U.A. and T. Stacke (2011). Costs and benefits of spatial data accuracy on comprehensive conservation planning assessments. Presented at 35. ISRSE Conference, Sydney, Australia, April 10-15 (Poster).
Schleupner C., Jantke K. and U.A. Schneider (2011). Defining areas of regional wetland conservation concern in Europe under environmental and policy change scenarios. Presented at EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 4-8 (Poster).
Schleupner C., Jantke K., Schneider U.A. and T. Stacke (2010). Integrated modeling of wetlands under global change and multiple objectives. Presented at Norddeutsches Clustertreffen, KlimaCampus, Hamburg, Germany, October 5-6 (Poster).
Jantke K. and U.A. Schneider (2010). Opportunity costs in systematic conservation planning – a case study on European wetland species. Presented at 11th Biennial Conference of The International Society for Ecological Economics, Oldenburg, Germany, August 22-25 (Poster).
Jantke K. and C. Schleupner (2010). Gap Analysis of European Wetland Species - a Method to Work with Coarse Scale Biodiversity Data. Presented at 24th International Congress for Conservation Biology, Edmonton (Alberta), Canada, July 3-7.
Schleupner C., Jantke, K and U.A. Schneider (2010). Scenarios on Impacts and Responses of Climate Change on European Freshwater Wetland Conservation. Presented at 24th Meeting of the Society for Conservation Biology, Edmonton (Alberta), Canada, July 3-7.
Jantke K. (2010). Systematic biodiversity conservation planning in Europe - Gap analysis of wetland species in the Natura 2000 network. Presented at the 2nd Evaluation of the International Max Planck Research School on Earth System Modelling (IMPRS-ESM), Hamburg, Germany, April 26-27 (Poster).
Jantke K., Schleupner C. and U.A. Schneider (2009). Benefits of increased data resolution for European conservation planning. Presented at 33rd International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment (ISRSE-33), Stresa, Italy, May 4-8.
Jantke K. and U.A. Schneider (2008). Multiple-species conservation planning in Europe: Quantifying area requirements. Presented at the European Ecological Congress EURECO-GFOE, Leipzig, Germany, September 15-19.
Jantke K. and U.A. Schneider (2008). Opportunity costs in conservation planning - of the case of European wetland species. Presented at the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Conservation Biology, Chattanooga (Tennessee), USA, July 13-17.
Jantke K. and U.A. Schneider (2008). Systematic biodiversity conservation planning – quantifying area requirements for wetland species conservation in Europe. Presented at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2008, Vienna, Austria, April 13 – 18 (Poster).
Jantke K. (2008). Non-Food Options and Wetland Protection in EU – Estimation of Wetland Habitat Requirements. Presented at the ENFA (European Non-Food Agriculture) Final Meeting, Brussels, Belgium, April 23-24.
Jantke K., Schleupner C., and U.A. Schneider (2008). Benefits of increased data resolution for European conservation planning. Presented at the GEO-BENE Meeting, Laxenburg, Austria, June 23-24.
Jantke K. and U.A. Schneider (2008). Multiple-species conservation planning for European wetlands with different degrees of coordination. Presented at the Annual Retreat of the International Max Planck Research School on Earth System Modelling, Lüneburg, Germany, September 24-26.
Schneider U.A., Jantke K., Ramos C.I., Schleupner C. and E. Schmid (2008). Biofuel Consequences for European Wetland Species: Combining Bottom-up Biophysical Modeling and International Market Feedbacks. Presented at GLBRC-EBI Modeling Workshop: Linking Biophysical Models and Economic Models of Biofuel Production and Environmental Impacts. University of Chicago, Chicago, USA, November 13-14.
Schneider U.A., Jantke K., Ramos C.I., Schleupner C. and E. Schmid (2008). The European Forest and Agricultural Sector Optimization Model EUFASOM. Presented at Forest Sector Models Conference: Forest Sector Modeling: State-of-the-Art and Future Challenges in an Expanding Global Marketplace. University of Washington, Seattle, USA, November 17-20.
Jantke K. (2007). Land-use option biodiversity conservation - Towards an integrated assessment of agriculture, forestry and conservation. Presented at the Student Conference on Conservation Science, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, March 27-29 (Poster).
Jantke K. and U.A. Schneider (2007). Land-use option biodiversity conservation - towards the integrated assessment of agriculture, forestry and conservation in land use modelling. Presented at the 21st Annual Meeting of the Society for Conservation Biology, Port Elizabeth, South Africa, July 1-5.
Jantke K. and U.A. Schneider (2007). Land-use option biodiversity conservation - towards the integrated modelling of agricultural, forestry and conservational land use. Presented at the Second International Conference on Earth System Modelling, Max Planck Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg, Germany, August 27-31 (Poster).
Jantke K. (2007). A tool to optimize land allocation for biodiversity conservation. Presented at the Annual Retreat of the International Max Planck Research School on Earth System Modelling, Buchholz, Germany, October 10-12.
Jantke K. (2006). Projekt: European Non-Food Agriculture. Presented at the Kolloquium des Arbeitsbereiches Ökologie, Department Biologie, Universität Hamburg, Germany, January 17.
Jantke K. (2006). Land-use option conservation: Habitat requirements for wetland species in Europe. Presented at the Annual Retreat of the International Max Planck Research School on Earth System Modelling, Schwerin, Germany, October 4-6.
Frenz K. (2004). Habitatansprüche und Populationsstruktur der Rotbauchunke (Bombina bombina). Presented at the Ökologisches Kolloquium, Universität Lüneburg, Germany, July 1.
Media Coverage
CLICCS discusses climate research in Ghana. Centre for Earth System Research and Sustainability (24.10.2024). Available online
CLICCS tauscht sich zu Klimaforschung in Ghana aus. Centre for Earth System Research and Sustainability (24.10.2024). Available online
NDR Hamburg Journal: Fegebank reist mit Hamburger Delegation nach Ghana (Sendung vom 08.10.2024). Available online
NDR Schleswig-Hostein magazin: Transfarmation - Vegane Brüder krempeln Milchviehbetrieb um (Sendung vom 21.09.2024). Available online
Podcast Deutschlandfunk Nova (Sendung vom 13.10.2023). Available online
"Isoliert und unkoordiniert": Studie untersucht weltweite Klimaanpassungen, heise online (20.10.2023). Available online
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